Mother’s Day Norsebox Special

We are so excited to launch our first true Mother’s Day Norsebox Special! This Mother’s Day, give your mom the gift of a full year of Norsebox! Our boxes are the perfect gift for all moms! The Entertainer, for the mom who is always on the move. The Baker, for the mom who loves to try new recipes. The Homebody, for the mom who savors every moment at home. The Dreamer, for the mom who never stops creating. A gift of Norsebox will bring your mother four boxes of curated, inspirational Scandinavian design shipped directly to her doorstep each quarter - and this year we have some really exciting new concepts and designs coming your way!

As part of this Mother’s Day Special, if you order by Friday, May 1st at 11:59pm PST your mom will receive a special sneak peek item from a previous box and an informational brochure by Mother’s Day. The sneak peek items will be selected from the below premium products: the Ferm Living Oven Mitt, a Hexagon Bottle Opener, an exquisite square oak trivet, and a unique Normann Copenhagen Whisk Beater.

The sneak peek package will be shipped out on May 2nd. The first box (the 2020 Summer Norsebox) will ship out on June 1st. The next three boxes will ship on September 1st, December 10th, and March 1st of 2021.

For more information or to order your Mother’s Day Norsebox Special, go to the product page here.

Have any questions? Rather give your mom the recurring quarterly subscription? Want to learn more? Send us an email at and we will respond as quickly as possible!

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